Sunday, April 4, 2021

Atomic Cars of the 1950s.


I just discovered that the "Ford Nucleon" was not the only atomic car of the 1950s. I found this "retro-future" image of a curious object that never ever made it to a full-size maquette, as the Nucleon did. This one, has a sort of Sputnik satellite at the back, supposed to contain uranium or plutonium as fuel. 

It is one more example of our fascination with impossible innovations coupled with our fascination with cars. The result is this kind of automotive monstrosities. Hydrogen cars are not very different, maybe a little less impossible, but still impractical.



1 comment:

  1. That steel ball would be what is now a RTG for the space industry, powered by plutonium 238 .. no way, at 10 million USD per kg and very limited supply...
